Good morning Family!! #TGITues!!

I had the privilege of talking with my team last week on my very first working day of the new year 2024.

It was a time to reflect on the successes & failures of 2023.

I thanked them for their efforts & support for the milestones & objectives we met knowing that it takes “Teamwork to make the Dream Work”

It was just a 2-paged presentation focusing on the 2024 Outlook for us as a Team/Unit/Individuals working within our organization.

Here are a few things I shared that is relevant to you.

Have you heard about the term VUCA?


VUCA was coined by the US military in the 1990s when they were reviewing the New World Order landscape & it has since been adopted by Strategists & Futurists.

The picture above gives you the meaning of VUCA : Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity.

2024 is no different, from a world view everything about this year is VUCA.

But the good thing is that to you need VUCA to counter VUCA.

As we live & deal with constant Changes you need to have Vision, Understanding, Clarity & Agility to survive what is coming our way in 2024.

Here are the tips I shared:


1. Develop a Winning Strategy for 2024.

Don’t just see the bleak outlook or the predicted Doomsday.

Carry out deep research beyond the reports & set a winning strategy for yourself.

What are you going to do differently this year to move the needle forward & upward?

Scan the landscape & let your strategy be solid.


2. Create a Playbook of how things will work out.

The Book “Winners” written by Alastair Campbell is a study of success that offers insights into the lives of high achievers. 

It says high achiever’s have Objectives, Strategy & Tactics (OST).

Objectives are rock solid & doesn’t change but Strategies & Tactics are flexible, but Tactics (or playbook) are the most flexible.

Have your playbook of how you will implement your strategies to achieve your objectives, but be as flexible as possible.

Remember you need Agility to overcome Ambiguity.


3. Cast a Vision

People get destroyed for a lack of Vision.

Cast your vision of how your 2024 will be, create a vision board & as long as you can see it in your mind you will have it in your life.

For a team, cast a Vision of where you want to be.

Ensure that it is a shared vision for every team member to ensure you are all rowing in the same direction.


4. Set Targets (or goals)

The last point is to set targets & goals.

What are you going to aim for (to achieve) each quarter of 2024?

Itemize them & put timelines to them.

Organizations worldwide big or small do this on a yearly basis.

You as the CEO of your life should do this as well.

I worked for a company that did this annually, they will gather their leadership team for a retreat or strategy session to first thank the team for all of their efforts in the previous year & then set Strategy, Playbook, Vision & Targets for the new year.

In 2000 they wrote a 25-year strategy document that they have used as their playbook over the years.

Yes things have changed in the landscape since 2000 but they have kept true to the principles of that document even though they’ve had to be agile as they responded to those changes.

It’s not by chance they are the leader in their sector with great year on year results.

To my mentees that are asking about things to do to prepare for a great 2024, here you go.

Do these things & let’s review on a quarterly basis as you make progress.

For me, there will be serious OVERFLOW on every side in 2024, no matter how bleak the outlook is from economic & global experts.

What is your 2024 OUTLOOK?

Stay liquid & keep moving forward!!


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