New Amsterdam – How Can I Help?

New Amsterdam

Hello Family & #TGIM!!!

Its the last Monday & last working week in the month of May 2024.

2024 so far has been awesome for me in many ways & I am super grateful for all God has allowed to come my way & for those He deflected to keep me safe.

As we step into the 2nd half of the year, its an opportunity to make halftime adjustments.

Conduct a review of Q2 2024, do an assessment to check if you are still On-Track or Off-Track & make the necessary changes to keep you moving forward.

Today at 8pm WAT, our 5th episode of Achiever’s Zone Season 2 will be dropping across our 2 platforms FB & LinkedIn as we have one of our favorite guests Mrs. Dammy Omotosho run us through the topic: “Staying Fit & Healthy in 2024”

Please use the link to join the groups & engage our exclusive contents.

It promises to be an exciting & insightful episode.


This should have been a Saturday post, but my weekend was super busy & I thought I could as well post it today since we have Episode 5 dropping tonight.

My wife & I are very particular about the series & shows that we watch on TV or any streaming platforms.

Apart from the fact that it has to be very entertaining, we also ensure that we can learn one or two lessons from it.

Personally, learning from series & shows is a thing that dates way back for me starting from Different Strokes, The Cosby Show (The Huxtables), Fresh Prince of Bel Air, to fantastic movies like Gladiator, Coach Carter, Robin Hood, Last Samurai etc.

New Amsterdam is a Drama Series that we both love & enjoy, it’s about Dr. Max Goodwin a character played by actor Ryan Eggold.

After becoming the medical director of one of the oldest public hospitals in the United States, Dr. Max Goodwin sets out to reform the institution’s neglected and outdated facilities to treat patients.

It’s a lesson in Leadership for me as I love how he sets out to reform the old institution using new ideas & initiatives.

One of his catch phrases in the show is the 4 word question: How Can I Help?

How Can I Help?

Leadership is not just about titles or positions, its about Servanthood.

Many people don’t get this concept & that is why they mess up when they are trusted to lead people or teams.

I was cut from the same cloth & have shaped my leadership style to be like this over the years.

My aim is always to add value to anyone I meet or any team I am leading. 

This puts a weight of responsibilities on my shoulder to ensure that I can actually help others to reach their individual goals & targets as well as  hit the set goals & targets for the team & group.

As leader, let’s make this a habit, always ask How Can I Help when engaging with our teams, solve their problems, be an Umbrella over them to shield & protect them while giving them an enabling psychologically safe space to do their jobs.

Steve Jobs says, You recruit intelligent guys to do the job, why interfere with them to start instructing them or telling them what to do.

Just allow them spread their wings & fly!!

Success vs Significance

John C. Maxwell who has been my master mentor for years through his books & teachings sheds more light on the difference between Success & Significance.

Success us you making it in life, getting to that desired destination in one piece all put together, career,family, friends all great.

Significance is  being successful not alone but with a group of people who you have led & inspired to achieve their goals & targets thanks to your support because they never thought they could ever achieve them.

As you start this working week, let this question be your guide: How Can I Help?

Until we catchup tomorrow, stay liquid & keep moving forward.


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