EULA – End User Licensing Agreement


Hello Family & #TGIF

Its the start of the weekend already & we have 7 days to go in May 2024.

The mid-point of the year 2024 is just ahead of us.

Have  you been able to achieve the things you set out to achieve so far?

If YES!!! Congratulations!

If NO!! What can you do to readjust, re-align & get back on track for H2.

Make halftime adjustments that will ensure you achieve those goals this year.

Talking about achieving stuff, Achiever’s Zone Season 2 Episode 5 will be dropping on our FB & LinkedIn platforms on Monday 27th May by 8pm WAT.

Our guest & I are locked & loaded ready to fire! Please don’t miss it.

My thought today is about EULA, Manufacturers & User Manuals.

What is EULA?

According to, an end-user license agreement (EULA) is a contract between a software company and users of that company’s software

Also known as software license agreement, EULAs are essentially enterprise license agreements for end-users and software vendors instead of companies and software vendors.

At creation, God made Man out of dust, He actually rolled his sleeves & formed Man (Hardware), at this stage man was just a cadaver.

Then He breathed into Man to make him a living being (Software) encoding him with his very nature so that Man can function exactly like God.

Just like a software vendor or creator grants the use of his application to an end-user,  God has given you the same permission, rights & access to use of his ability (Zoe – His very life & essence).

Many people install softwares & apps today & don’t even bother to read the EULA, I am also guilty of this sometimes & just check the “agree” box & move on.

Have you spent time to understand the purpose & use of the very life God has given you?

Manufacturers & User Manuals

Every manufacturer has a purpose for every product they make, hence they include a user manual in their packaging.

Even though sometimes I hardly read the EULA of any software or apps I am installing, I do spend sometimes reading through the user manual of any product or appliance I buy or I intend to use.

The late Dr. Miles Munroe always talked about Purpose & he said “Abuse is inevitable if the Purpose of a thing is not known“.

Just like a manufacturer has a user manual,  God (our manufacturer) has a purpose in mind for each & everyone of us.

You need to find out & find out as quickly & as early as possible.

There is no point gaining speed all to now discover that you are heading in the wrong direction.

Like I highlighted in one of my previous posts, I have been in a deep thinking reflective mode lately for 2 reasons:

It’s my birthday in a few days & I’m also starting a new job (going back to one of my previous stumping ground in a previous city I’ve lived in as recent as 2019)

One of the blessings I had growing up was being surrounded by Mentors, Men of Stature who gave me the mentoring I needed across ALL areas of my life to ensure I was diligent, exceptional & Godly in everything I did.

One of the major key I was given was taking time to knowing my Purpose & my Calling while working on proper alignment between my Calling & my Career by essentially reading God’s manual for my life.

Everyone has got that breathe of God (Software) inside of us.

There is that drop of Greatness in everyone.

You just need to look inward to engage what you have on your inside, discover your Purpose & just follow as God directs & leads you.

I would recommend reading the book “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren.

As I reflect on my journey up until today, I see the invisible hand of God (My manufacturer) working behind the scenes in everything that I have done & things that have happened to me over the course of my life till date.

There were moves I was forcing to make happen that He denied.

At the time I was bitter not knowing that he had a better plan for me & when that plan unfolded, I was super grateful that he blocked the move.

Instead of wasting energy swimming against the tides of life, just take some time off to discover your Maker, your Purpose & Yourself, align with His will & just go with the flow!!

Life is super easy that way when you have alignment.

Please contact your Manufacturer, constantly read the EULA & User Manual for the Software & the Life he has given you richly to enjoy!!

Till we catchup next time, stay liquid & keep moving forward.


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